Take Hold

Salesian Wellness

Resources to help young men thrive

Anxiety. Depression. Stress. Today’s young men are facing mental and emotional challenges at record-high rates. To help them overcome those struggles and become the best versions of themselves, Salesianum provides a strong support system for holistic health.
Our wellness resources are easily accessed at the Hynansky Wellness Center. The centrally located hub includes three full-time and two part-time counselors, a space for telehealth services, and Sean’s Room — an informal gathering space, made possible by Unlocke the Light, to be used for peer counseling, group meetings, and other wellness efforts.

Promoting Wellness in Four Ways

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  • Physical Wellness

    Salesianum has always emphasized the importance of a mind-body connection. That’s why we offer an intramural program, physical education classes, championship-level interscholastic athletics, athletic clubs, and access to licensed trainers and free training plans at our state-of-the-art athletic center. 
  • Spiritual Wellness

    Salesian spirituality gives young men a clear, optimistic moral compass for navigating their lives. Living out the six pillars of Optimism, Liberty of Spirit, Gentle Strength, Little Virtues, Spiritual Friendship, and a Universal Call to Holiness, students can take part in a variety of activities to explore and grow their spiritualities. 

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  • Social Wellness

    Our all-boys setting provides an easy, natural camaraderie where young men feel comfortable exploring interests, expressing themselves, and growing their perspectives. By connecting in classrooms, over lunch, on theater productions, at games, and on service trips, students graduate with lifelong friendships. 
  • Emotional Wellness

    Salesianum provides a variety of resources to support young men emotionally: The Student Teacher Assistance Referral Team for students needing help, the Be Who You Are Group for students affected by substance abuse, Big Brothers for freshmen, plus dedicated guidance counselors. 
Salesianum School educates and develops the whole person based on the teaching of Saint Francis de Sales, whose spirituality can be summarized in “Live Jesus.” As an independent Catholic secondary school founded by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in 1903, Salesianum challenges young men through dynamic college preparatory and extracurricular programs to live as Salesian Gentlemen devoted to faith, community, and service.