• Event Categories

  • Location

  • Athletic Schedules

  1. Sun
  2. Mon
  3. Tue
  4. Wed
  5. Thu
  6. Fri
  7. Sat
  1. 29
  2. 30
  3. 1

    Salesian Conversations

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym
    Salesian Conversations is a mandatory program for all freshmen and sophomores and one parent or guardian. We will focus on student wellness, including information on stress, anxiety, and healthy coping mechanisms. During this unique and comprehensive program, students and parents will talk through a variety of scenarios with each other and members of our Salesian Wellness Team to gain unique perspectives on issues our students are facing. Families can choose to attend either Tuesday, October 1 or
    Wednesday, October 2. Register now!
  4. 2

    Wednesday Freshman Series

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym

    College Financial Aid Webinar

    For more information please use the link provided below. 
    College & School Counseling Resource Board

    Salesian Conversations

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym
    Salesian Conversations is a mandatory program for Freshmen and Sophomores and one parent or guardian. We will focus on student wellness, including information on stress, anxiety, and healthy coping mechanisms. During this unique and comprehensive program students and parent/guardian talk through a variety of scenarios with each other and members of our Salesian Wellness Team. Families can choose to attend either night. A sign up link will be available soon.
  5. 3
  6. 4

    Camden Service Day

    Students will complete a volunteer day of service with DeSales Service Works in Camden, NJ where they will work directly with those suffering from homelessness or addiction. The CFJ staff will chaperone these service days and transport students to Camden in school vans. Signups are found under ‘opportunities’ on mobileserve.
  7. 5

    Salesianum XC Invitational

    For more information please use the link provided below. 
    Salesianum Sports Page
  1. 6

    Open House

    Save the date and spread the word! Our annual Open House is scheduled for Sunday, October 6. The day begins with Sunday Mass at 10:00 AM for all who would like to attend, followed by tours from 11:00 AM-1:00 PM.
    Parent and student volunteers are needed!
    More information will be forthcoming! All families with children in grades 6th-8th are invited to visit our campus, tour our state-of-the-art facilities, and engage with the people who make Salesianum School a welcoming community.
    Prospective families need to register online
  2. 7

    SAT/PSAT Testing

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym, Centenary & Classrooms
    On Monday, October 7 all freshman, sophomores and juniors will be taking the PSAT.  Students need to be in their testing rooms by 8am on this day.  >>PSAT Information

    Attention Senior Parents: On Monday, October 7 the SAT will be offered for all seniors at 8am in the gymnasium. >>Parent/Guardian form to opt your son out of the SAT School Day

    Testing for Seniors, Juniors, Sophomore & Freshman
    For more information please use the link provided below. 
    College & School Counseling Resource Board
  3. 8
  4. 9

    Wednesday Freshman Series

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym
  5. 10

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!


    Sophomore Parent Social

    Save the date! The sophomore parent social is Thursday, “Oktober” 10, from 6:30-8:30 PM at the University & Whist Club Carriage House. Use the link below and don’t miss this popular and fun NEW tradition for sophomore parents!

    is now open!
  6. 11

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!

  7. 12

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!

  1. 13

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!

  2. 14

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!


    Founder's Day

    School Closed
  3. 15

    BRIDGE: Los Angeles

    Students who attend a BRIDGE trip at any point will fulfill their junior year service. If you have attended a similar service trip, it may count toward your junior-year requirement. Contact Mr. Freebery at dfreebery@salesianum.org for more info!


    TND Freshman Retreat

    Each freshman at Salesianum will attend a one-day retreat with the other members of their house. Facilitated by the Center for Faith & Justice, and current seniors, the TND retreat serves as an introduction to the core values of Salesian Spirituality.
  4. 16

    Mass: Founder's Day

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym

    Salesian Conversations: Boyhood for the 21st Century by Dr. Michael Reichert, Ph.D.

    Michael Reichert, Ph.D., addressed Salesianum faculty and staff at the beginning of the school year, sharing decades of research on boys as “relational learners.” He is the Executive Director of the School Participatory Action Research Collaborative (SPARC) at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and has over three decades of experience in clinical and consulting psychology. 
    On Wednesday, October 16 at 6:00 PM at Salesianum, Dr. Reichert will deliver a talk for parents entitled The Magic of Relationships in Boys Lives, sharing insights on the unique learning and developmental needs of boys and the importance of connection in their growth. Parents, guardians, and relatives of current Salesianum, St. Edmond's Academy, and Nativity Preparatory School students are encouraged to attend. Register here today!
    For more about Dr. Reichert and his work, check his website, or this article about him and his work, Toward a New Boyhood, in The Pennsylvania Gazette.
  5. 17
  6. 18

    Student Tailgate

    Location: Salesianum Peace Garden Lawn

    Homecoming Football Game

    Location: Abessinio Stadium
    For more information please use the link provided below.
    Salesianum Sports Page
  7. 19

    Hall Of Fame Reception

    Location: Centenary Hall

    Homecoming Dance

    Location: Salesianum School
  1. 20
  2. 21
  3. 22

    Encounter 109

    The purpose of the Encounter Retreat is to help find the presence of Christ in our lives. To guide a student’s spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with Christ as experienced in and through the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, and relationships both within the Salesianum brotherhood and outside with family, friends, and the world at large.

    Begins 10/22/2024 6:00 pm
    Ends 10/25/2024 3:00 pm
  4. 23

    Encounter 109

    The purpose of the Encounter Retreat is to help find the presence of Christ in our lives. To guide a student’s spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with Christ as experienced in and through the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, and relationships both within the Salesianum brotherhood and outside with family, friends, and the world at large.

    Begins 10/22/2024 6:00 pm
    Ends 10/25/2024 3:00 pm
  5. 24

    Encounter 109

    The purpose of the Encounter Retreat is to help find the presence of Christ in our lives. To guide a student’s spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with Christ as experienced in and through the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, and relationships both within the Salesianum brotherhood and outside with family, friends, and the world at large.

    Begins 10/22/2024 6:00 pm
    Ends 10/25/2024 3:00 pm

    Arts & Innovation Night

    Please join us for a night filled with arts and innovation on Thursday, October 24th from 6:30-8 PM at Salesianum School. After a short presentation from our Department Chair, Mr. Zack Robie, your son will have the opportunity to choose two classrooms to visit and participate in engaging activities. You will also hear from our Band and Theater directors. Registration is coming soon.
  6. 25

    Encounter 109

    The purpose of the Encounter Retreat is to help find the presence of Christ in our lives. To guide a student’s spiritual journey into a deeper relationship with Christ as experienced in and through the Church, the Sacraments, prayer, and relationships both within the Salesianum brotherhood and outside with family, friends, and the world at large.

    Begins 10/22/2024 6:00 pm
    Ends 10/25/2024 3:00 pm

    Mid-Semester Checkpoint

    Our first mid-semester checkpoint will take place on October 25. At that time, the Academic Office will generate a list of students to be placed on ​Academic Conditions​ based upon the following criteria:
    1. Any student carrying course averages of 70 or below in 2 or more courses.
    2. Any senior failing 1 or more courses required by the State of Delaware for graduation.
     Students placed on Academic Conditions will be required to prioritize academic performance and will be removed from extracurricular and athletic participation for two weeks or until improvement is demonstrated. When conditions have been met, students may request reinstatement from the Dean of Academics. If students are reinstated, they will continue to be reviewed every two weeks until they are removed from Academic Conditions.
  7. 26

    Class of 2029 Placement Exam

    Please register by October 24th. All Applicants for the Class of 2029 will select either Saturday, October 26th or Sunday, October 27th to take the entrance exam.  Families are also welcome to join us for coffee and conversation at exam drop-off. Time will be given for Q & A. RSVP will be sent to families who apply.
  1. 27

    Class of 2029 Placement Exam

    Please register by October 24th. All Applicants for the Class of 2029 will select either Saturday, October 26th or Sunday, October 27th to take the entrance exam.  Families are also welcome to join us for coffee and conversation at exam drop-off. Time will be given for Q & A. RSVP will be sent to families who apply.
  2. 29

    Camden Service Day

    Students will complete a volunteer day of service with DeSales Service Works in Camden, NJ where they will work directly with those suffering from homelessness or addiction. The CFJ staff will chaperone these service days and transport students to Camden in school vans. Signups are found under ‘opportunities’ on mobileserve.
  3. 30

    NHS Induction

    Location: Birkenheuer Gym
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