Salesian Conversations: Boyhood for the 21st Century by Dr. Michael Reichert, Ph.D.

Michael Reichert, Ph.D., addressed Salesianum faculty and staff at the beginning of the school year, sharing decades of research on boys as “relational learners.” He is the Executive Director of the School Participatory Action Research Collaborative (SPARC) at the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania and has over three decades of experience in clinical and consulting psychology. 
On Wednesday, October 16 at 6:00 PM at Salesianum, Dr. Reichert will deliver a talk for parents entitled The Magic of Relationships in Boys Lives, sharing insights on the unique learning and developmental needs of boys and the importance of connection in their growth. Parents, guardians, and relatives of current Salesianum, St. Edmond's Academy, and Nativity Preparatory School students are encouraged to attend. Register here today!
For more about Dr. Reichert and his work, check his website, or this article about him and his work, Toward a New Boyhood, in The Pennsylvania Gazette.